3 square puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 224 | 29 | Square 9 units |  Folded by Wilson Yeung |
7 piece square puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2020 Spring | 38 | Square 7 units | |
8 piece cover up puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 301 | 32 | Rectangle 8 units | |
8 piece domino puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 310 | 25 | Rectangle - 1X2 16 units | |
8 piece domino puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-36 | 44 | Rectangle - 1X2 16 units | |
A tessellation Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2015 Spring
| 76 | Square 6 units | |
A tessellation Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-21
| 40 | Square 6 units | |
Ace tessellations Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2017 - 50th Anniversary | 161 | Rectangle - 1X2 Multiple units | |
Aces tessellation Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | Le Pli 148 | 16 | Rectangle - 1X2 Multiple units | |
Around the houses Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 231 | 31 | Square 36 units | |
Banger Toys - Noisemaking | Traditional | Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson | 21 | Rectangle | |
Calendar Objects - Useful | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 47 | | Rectangle - Long strip 4 units | |
Checkerboard puzzle pieces Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | Origami Checkerboard Puzzles - BOS booklet 84 by Mick Guy
| 13 | Rectangle
15 types of puzzle pieces |  Each folded from a rectangle of origami paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Chevron illusion Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 213 | 1 | Square | |
Clever quads puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy and Jacques Haubrich | BOS Convention 2022
| 41 | Square 4 units | |
Color puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | Le Pli 157 | 22 | Square 32 units | |
Crumb down napkin fold Objects - Useful | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 224 | 4 | Square | |
Cube illusions Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 247 | 2 | Square 3 units | |
Dart Toys - Planes | Traditional | Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson | 7 | Rectangle | |
Divisions Origami bases and methods | Mick Guy | Geometrical Divisions - BOS Booklet 6 by Mick Guy | 1 | Square | |
Elvis Presley Music and Musicians | Neal Elias | The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc Cooman (read full review)

| 1511 | Rectangle
Diagrammed by Mick Guy | |
Emma's edge match puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 302 | 27 | Square 54 units | |
England flag hat Clothes - Hats | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 262 | 5 | Square | |
England flag puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | PCOC 2005 - PCOC Play
| 192 | Rectangle 5 units | |
Escher Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | Origami 4 by Robert Harbin (read full review)
| 98 | Rectangle - 1X2
A unit for Escher-esque compositions |  Folded by Marco Abate |
Escher Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | Origami in England by Sergei Afonkin | 18 | Rectangle - 1X2 |  Folded by Marco Abate |
Firelighter Objects - Useful | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 228 | 15 | Rectangle | |
Flag of the UK Symbols - Flags | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2017 - 50th Anniversary | 171 | Square 8 units
The Union Flag | |
Flaghats Clothes - Hats | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 274 | 4 | Square | |
For our friends in France Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 296 | 10 | Rectangle - 1X2 3 units | |
Glasses pouch Boxes and Containers | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 252 | 31 | Rectangle - A size | |
Hostess tray Boxes and Containers | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 106 | 21 | Square 9 units
Uses 5 of Momotani's Divided Box | |
Ilse's star Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | The Paper Magazine 140 | 20 | Hexagon | |
Instant insanity Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 193 | 23 | Square 25 units | |
Javelin Toys - Planes | Max Hulme | Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson | 10 | Rectangle | |
Jumping frog Toys - Action Models | Traditional | Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson | 12 | Rectangle |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Jumping frog Toys - Action Models | Traditional | Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson | 17 | Square |  Folded by Peter Saydak |
Kaleidoscope Toys - Action Models | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 220 | 28 | Square 4 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Kaleidoscope Toys - Action Models | Mick Guy | British Origami by Nick Robinson

| 42 | Square 4 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Kaleidoscope Toys - Action Models | Mick Guy | Der Falter 36 | 56 | Square 4 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Kaleidoscope Toys - Action Models | Mick Guy | Orison 21/03 | 71 | Square 4 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Kermit Toys - Puppets | Mick Guy | One Dozen Folds by Nick Robinson | 31 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Kermit pop up greeting card Letters and Envelopes | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 1981 Autumn | 4 | Rectangle - 1X3 | |
L puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2005 Autumn | | Rectangle - 1X2 12 units | |
L puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | PCOC 2005 - PCOC Play
| 189 | Rectangle - 1X2 12 units | |
Llopio's moment of truth Sports and Athletes | Neal Elias | The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc Cooman (read full review)

| 1511 | Rectangle - 1X3
Diagrammed by Mick Guy |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
Loving butterflies Insects - Butterflies | Mick Guy | Butterflies in Origami by Nick Robinson
| 92 | Rectangle - 1X2 2 units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Magic star Toys - Action Models | Robert Neale | Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson | 24 | Square 8 units |  Folded by Rui Roda |
Magic tipper Toys - Action Models | Takekawa Seiryo | Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson | 20 | Square |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Marble maze Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 157 | 44 | Square 2 units | |
Marble maze Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | Origami USA Convention 1993 (read full review)
| 120 | Square 2 units | |
Marble maze Toys | Mick Guy | The Best of Annual Collections 1981-1995 (read full review)
| 254 | Square 2 units | |
Match puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-27 | 20 | Square Multiple units | |
Michaelangelo's Pieta Religion and Holidays - Christian Religion | Neal Elias | The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc Cooman (read full review)

| 1511 | Rectangle - 1X3
Diagrammed by Mick Guy | |
Name card Objects - Useful | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 230 | 7 | Rectangle - A size | |
No color touching Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 318 | 22 | Rectangle 8 units | |
No two in a row Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 241 | 22 | Rectangle - 1X2 16 units | |
Panda Mammals - Ursidae - Pandas | Robert Harbin | The Origami World of Neal Elias by Dave Venables and Marc Cooman (read full review)

| 1511 | Rectangle - 1X2
Diagrammed by Mick Guy |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
Patchwork puzzle Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2006 Autumn | | Square 20 units | |
Pencil spinner Toys - Action Models | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 293 | 19 | Rectangle - 1X2 | |
Penguin Birds - Sphenisciformes - Penguins | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2017 - 50th Anniversary | 31 | Square
Can be tessellated to form a colony | |
Penguin Birds - Sphenisciformes - Penguins | Mick Guy | Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-32 | 8 | Square | |
Penguin Birds - Sphenisciformes - Penguins | Mick Guy | The Paper Magazine 130 | 11 | Square
Can be tessellated to form a colony | |
Perpetual calendar cube Objects - Timekeeping | Mick Guy | Le Pli 149 | 20 | Rectangle - 1X3 Multiple units | |
Proving Pythagoras Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2001 Spring | 17 | Square 3 units | |
Puzzle for Nathanael Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2014 Spring
| 55 | Square 24 units
Seven square edge match puzzle | |
Pythagoras proof Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson (read full review)
| 185 | Square 36 units | |
Pythagoras tessellation Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2007
| | Square 36 units | |
Rabbit Mammals - Lagomorpha - Rabbits and Bunnies | Mick Guy | Origami 1 by Robert Harbin
| 125 | Square With cuts |  Folded by Marco Abate |
Ship shape Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 292 | 28 | Square
ship module | |
Spinner Toys - Action Models | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 279 | 30 | Square 4 units | |
Spinner - Give it a spin! Toys - Action Models | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2013 Spring | 66 | Square 4 units | |
Star - you're a star Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 271 | 8 | Square 6 units | |
Star of intersecting triangles Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 325 | 4 | Square 6 units | |
Swastika Symbols | Mick Guy | CDO convention 1985 | 10 | Square | |
Tumbler topling sequence Toys - Action Models | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 314 | 15 | Square Multiple units | |
Union flag Symbols - Flags | Mick Guy | BOS Magazine 334 | 14 | Square 8 units | |
Versatile Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | Geometric Origami Kit (Idiot's Guides) by Nick Robinson
| 24 | Square Multiple units |  Folded by Nick Robinson |
Wedding bells Music and Musicians | Mick Guy | Creative Life with Creative Origami 2 by Toshie Takahama
| 39 | Square |  Folded from a square of Nicolas Terry's tissue-foil by Gilad Aharoni |
Wedding bells Music and Musicians | Mick Guy | Origami 2 by Robert Harbin (read full review)
| 93 | Square
Two bells from one square |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
Whale tail Mammals - Cetacea - Whales | Mick Guy | Orison 21/04 | 129 | Square |  Folded from a square of pearlized origami paper by Gilad Aharoni |
Whale's tail Mammals - Cetacea - Whales | Mick Guy | World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson (read full review)
| 65 | Square |  Folded by Gilad Aharoni |
Whizzer Toys - Action Models | Traditional | Origami Games - BOS Booklet 17 by Mick Guy and Paul Jackson | 18 | Rectangle | |
Wings illusion Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | BOS Convention 2015 Spring
| 46 | Square 3 units | |
Wings illusion Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | Jong Ie Nara Plus magazine 79-19
| 44 | Square 3 units | |
Word dominoes Toys - Puzzles | Mick Guy | World's Best Origami by Nick Robinson (read full review)
| 271 | Square
Game units | |
XYZ Geometric and other shapes | Mick Guy | Planar Modular Origami by David Petty
| 15 | Rectangle - 1X3 3 units | |